Calvary Road Baptist Church believes it is our responsibility as Christians to reach the world with the Gospel. We do this by supporting missionaries at home and around the world.
New Missionary Prospects please email: [email protected]
A Loving Choice Pregnancy Resource Center
Local Centers in Shepherdsville & Shelbyville – Offers Alternatives to Abortion, Counselling to Expectant Mothers, Classes to Prepare Expecting Parents, Free Ultrasounds, Community Activities, and Supplies to Support Parents in Unexpected & Emergency Pregnancies.
Find them on Facebook here.

George Griffis Family – Camp Victory
Youth Camp Ministry – Supported by our youth group!
Hosts summer camp experiences, conferences, & retreats at their Somerset, KY location
Find them on Facebook here.

Edew Dela Cruz Family – Field Missionary with IBMA
Missionaries to the Philippines and South East Asia – Supported by the youth group & the church.
Find them on Facebook here.

God and Country Ministry – Lee Watts
Lee Watts – Chaplin to the State of Kentucky, Educates the people of Kentucky about government, current issues, etc. Hosts Annual Christians at the Capitol Day, Take America Back Weekly Radio Show
National Center for Life & Liberty – David Gibbs
To protect and defend the Bible-based values upon which our nation was founded.
National Center for Life and Liberty
Youtube @TheNCLL
Rick Demastus Family – Field Missionary with BIMI 
Missionaries to Scotland – Supported by our youth.
Find them on Facebook here.
Twitter: @rick_demastus & @sedemastus
Instagram: @rdemastus
Rock of Ages Ministries – Hargrave Family
Reaching the Youth of America through Bible Clubs, Character Classes, Prisons, & Youth Rallies.

Spencer Smith Family – Field Missionary with IBOM
Field Missionaries to Kenya with IBOM (International Baptist Outreach Missions
Find them on Facebook here.
Undercover Missions
These include our missionaries who are in lock-down or hostile government situations. Their information is not allowed to be released on the internet, but they are anonymously listed here so you can pray for them!
Jeremy Schott Family – Ignite the World Ministries 
Missionaries to the United States through Basketball Camps, Block Parties, Festivals, & Carnivals to bring the gospel to those who may not come to a traditional service.
Find them on Facebook here.
Brandon Ewer Family
Missionaries to the Navajo Nation in Tuba City
Twitter: @EwersToTheRez
Instagram: @EwersToTheRez

Brandon Neal Family
Missionaries to the US Military in South Korea
Find them on Facebook here.
Twitter: @MilMissionary